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A gut microbiome reset: Six months later

Six months ago my twelve-year-old decided to sort out her gut health, for reasons I've mentioned in an earlier post. She started the 21 day microbiome diet in July, and is still following it six months later. The journey since she made that decision has been illuminating to us both. Along the way she has discovered that rebalancing her gut microbiome has given her some expected, as well as some unexpected, results.

I've mentioned in earlier posts that within just four days of starting the programme she experienced significant reductions to her symptoms: her skin immediately started to improve, as the nasty skin rash started to disappear; her tummy pains went and her bloated candida belly began to shrink.

When she first started the programme, this was pretty much all she hoped for.

What she has in fact gained is far greater than either of us could have imagined.

Just the other day she mentioned how she is now finding studying maths much easier; she no longer struggles at school with it, and is actually discovering that she enjoys maths and doesn't dread the work or homework.

Changing the microbiome actually changes the mind.

She also realises that she can run faster than she ever did before and doesn't tire so easily. Her stamina has increased and along with that her enjoyment of all her sporting activities. (This is a picture of her on her bike, speeding up and down the undulating ground in the woods, and not tiring out like she used to.)

Among these fringe (yet powerful) benefits has also come a deep well of contentment.

And above all this, she has rekindled her fire. Her enjoyment and zest for life, which had been dampened by the overgrowth of candida, is back - and she's on fire like all twelve-year-olds should be.

These profound changes are not what most would expect from the experience of healing the gut. Most of us would hope for improvements in gut and digestion function, maybe some weight loss along with an alleviation of debilitating symptoms like constipation, diarrhoea, acid reflux, gas and bloating. All of this would be wonderful enough. But when brain function improves as well as gut function, that's when it becomes truly exciting.

Rekindling the fire, the vitality and zest for life is the ultimate goal.

If you would like to know more about the 21 day gut microbiome re-set programme please get in touch.

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