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Our body's energies

We are all spiritual beings, in human form.

We are energetic beings - something that the Chinese have known and understood for thousands of years. We in the West are only just waking up to it. Indeed, Kinesiology uses many of the concepts of Acupuncture, using Acupressure - which moves energy, but without the use of needles.

Working with the energies of the body, the Meridians, is part of my daily work, as is using Acupressure. We are in fact a latticework of energies, which run, invisible to our naked eye, within and around us, shaping how we feel, how we think and how we live.

If your life is going well, your body is functioning well because the energy is flowing, electrically. If your body is functioning well, your life is going well. It’s both. The etheric-energy body has to be in good working order for the physical body to be functioning well.

Our energy field shifts from minute to minute. This is something we are all acutely aware of when, for example, we spot someone walking towards us who we are attracted to, or are equally repelled by – our energy changes within us. And as our energy field pulses its changes through our body, so our physical structure shifts.

As Donna Eden so beautifully puts it: “Matter follows energy. If you want to age well, energy well.”

The health of our body reflects the health and flow of our energies. Sickness shows up in our energies before it manifests in physical symptoms.

In provinces of China, doctors were only paid as long as the patient was well. If the doctor had to treat an illness, the patient didn’t pay, as the doctor had failed to do their job – ie to keep the patient well. The Western approach of waiting for someone to manifest sickness before intervention seems illogical by comparison.

Preventative health care is an ancient practice. There is great wisdom in treating a disturbance in the energy system than to wait until it has progressed into a physical symptom that is way more problematic to live with as well as to treat.

Kinesiology can treat issues before they become pathological. As a form of health care I believe it incorporates the best of the Eastern and Western approaches to health. It helps unblock energy blockages, allowing our energy to flow healthily throughout our bodies.

If you'd like to restore your energies while in the bath:

Fill the bathtub with baking soda. The baking soda cleanses the aura.

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