Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

In every moment, we have the ability to change our current experience, heal the past, and create a new future.
EFT Tapping is a highly effective, scientifically proven, technique which acts to eliminate subconscious negative or limiting beliefs that keep us trapped in feelings of anxiety, fear, sadness, anger, loneliness, shame and grief.
It rewires the brain by sending calming signals to the amygdala - our brain’s primitive but powerful stress centre – and dramatically decreases the level of cortisol (the stress hormone) in our body. This allows both body and brain to release limiting beliefs from negative experiences, emotions, and thoughts that may be holding us back from creating the life we truly want.
One of the greatest powers in Tapping comes from releasing events from the past.
Whether you want to release emotional blocks, anxiety, anger, past traumas, or phobias… Or you want to release physical pain or lose weight, this technique can be a gateway to making that happen for you.
If we have negative emotional experiences that haven’t fully healed, that we haven’t let go of, the reality is that they are still affecting us on a daily basis, often unconsciously. Many can even manifest in our bodies as physical illness, pain and autoimmune conditions.
Has something happened to you in the past that still holds an emotional charge when you think about it? Perhaps an aching heart from a past relationship? Guilt over a past situation that you are still beating yourself up over? Challenging life events that you can’t seem to let go of?
The latest scientific research is proving that when you use EFT/tapping to shift your unconscious beliefs and emotions, you shift the chemicals being released into the body. In doing so, you are literally able to shift your nervous system, as well as your digestive, immune and endocrine systems, your hormones, your energy levels and more.
Research has shown that when we tap on our body’s various meridians (energy channels), whilst we focus on the stress, or whichever challenge is currently showing up in our lives, we are sending a calming signal to the amygdala in the brain - the ancient part of our brain that encodes our negative experiences so that it keeps holding us back.
Hundreds of studies have shown that when we deal with the underlying emotional issues, our body is brought back into balance leading to emotional well-being, increased levels of happiness, weight loss, increased focus and productivity, improved immune system function and much more.
One recent landmark study was published in 2012 in the prestigious Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease which found that EFT/tapping lowered cortisol significantly more than traditional talk therapy or resting. A 2020 replicated study by Dr. Peta Stapleton showed similar results, with a 43% decrease in cortisol.
​Tapping is a wonderful compliment to the dietary/nutritional/biochemical approach that I use with my clients alongside Kinesiology and Transformational Kinesiology to help ease anxiety, overwhelm and stress even further.