Day 22 of a sugar-free life
On the walk to school this morning with our dog, in glorious June sunshine, on Day 22 of her sugar-free detox, my 11-year-old told me...
The Sugar-Free Life: Day 21
This photo of my 11-year-old was taken a week ago, mid detox. She looks happy, and yes, she genuinely is happy. Even without sugar! And,...
Green smoothies: for football loving 13-year-olds
There is very little more rewarding than watching your child down a pint of natural organic goodness like this on a daily basis. What...
Green Smoothies: for grown-ups
My daily breakfast is not for the faint-hearted. You may think. It is, in fact, delicious. My green smoothie may consist of 95% organic...
Green Smoothies: for kids
This is the smoothie my 11-year-old happily drank this morning for breakfast. In fact, this is pretty much what her breakfast looks like...