Transformational Kinesiology
Prescriptions assume that something needs to be fixed;
transformation brings forth the healing —
the coming to integrity, to wholeness —
of what is already there.
Gabor Maté

Transformational Kinesiology (TK) facilitates personal and spiritual growth utilizing muscle testing, transpersonal psychology and counselling, visualisation, meditation and acupressure.
TK takes the approach to health that we are not fixing a problem. Rather, we are becoming souls. Or, to put it another way: we are functioning from our true, higher self.
Using TK I will assist you to find your true self; to discover what emotional blockages, self-limiting beliefs or obstacles you may have that are preventing you from being the best possible 'you' you can be.
We tell ourselves stories of our supposed inadequacies, often unconsciously, which when left unaddressed, can act to sabotage our dreams.
We tell ourselves, in a multitude of self-defeating ways, that we are not worthy: that we're not good enough, not loveable enough, not clever, thin, brave, or successful enough.
Often these self-limiting beliefs are hidden in our subconscious - the place from where we mostly function. Such negative patterns of thinking are often programmed in early childhood, or in traumatic life events. But when we reconnect with the subconscious, these emotional blockages can start to dissolve and our health and every area of our life can begin to improve.
As Dr Gabor Mate writes:
'It is time to re-create: to imagine a different life, one truly worth choosing.'
Healing implies that our previous state was more desirable, and that striving for healing is to return to our previous state before the illness. Transformation is completely different - it’s shedding our old beliefs, habits and stories that kept us small.
Our state of consciousness changes our biochemistry: our thoughts literally change our body's chemistry. By changing our consciousness, we start a process of healing within our whole system. Change our thoughts and we can actually transform the health of our body.
I believe that true healing starts when we connect with our subconscious. Only consciousness will bring us transformation.
We have two choices:
We can live inside our fear, irritation and worry, focusing on blame, shame and guilt -- which often finds us focusing on the 'what ifs' and possibilities that might never happen, reviewing the past and looking to an unknown future and seeing the negative in everything.
We can live within our higher self, functioning on the level of our soul rather than from our personality (our lower self),
How we feel and decide how to act, in full consciousness, from our heart or from our scared, angry personality, is a choice - even though it often doesn't feel that way, especially in difficult times. But what we can hold onto (especially in those difficult moments) is the understanding that the strength of the soul is far greater than anything the personality is capable of.
TK is based on the the Ageless Wisdom as described by Torkom Saraydarian, Alice Bailey, Helena Blavatsky, Sri Aurobindo, Paramahansa Yogananda and many more. TK is informed by their work and utilizes kinesiology to identify hidden emotional and mental blocks which prevent us from reaching our goals.
The testing and balancing methods are based on the subtle structures of the body: the etheric, emotional, mental and the subtle.These are then related to the seven ray qualities.
Creative visualisation is a part of every TK balance.
Through the use of creative visualisation we are endeavouring to reach the Soul level, by activating our innate creative power, which leads us towards greater Soul consciousness.
TK is future oriented, accepting the past and seeking the hidden wisdom within every challenge. The answer to our health concerns is inside each one of us.
The inspiration for TK derives from our experience that if we are open to receiving the information which is available for all of us from the Wisdom of the Ages, everything is possible.
Together we will journey towards an understanding of how you can live and act from your soul. And along the way, help you transform your life into the life you dream about.