The 28 Day Gut Microbiome Purify Programme

The Gut Microbiome Purify Programme is a 28 day dietary programme that restores gut health and resets the gut microbiome through healthy eating and nutritional supplemental support.
The microbiome is the vast community of microorganisms (trillions of bacteria, viruses, yeast, parasites and fungi) that live in and on our body - in our gut, organs, skin and even the blood.
The function of the microbiome first and foremost is to keep us safe from disease, to make sure immunity is at its highest level, to ensure metabolism is optimised. So when the microbiome is affected, immunity is diminished and the body's ability to fight off disease is compromised.
Growing scientific research is now showing us that our gut microbiome has a truly profound influence on our health and well-being and has been linked to many chronic conditions and diseases, including:
Acid reflux
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Diseases
Autoimmune conditions (like Hashimotos, Chronic Fatigue, MS etc.)
Joint pain
Depression and Anxiety
Alzheimers and Dementia
Skin conditions (like Acne or Eczema)
Weight gain or loss
Frequent colds
Brain fog
Poor memory
Painful periods
Poor sleep
Scientific researchers are now saying that up to 90% of all diseases can be traced back to the gut and health of the microbiome.
Our microbiome dramatically affects our food metabolism and weight, our immunity, our brain and nerves, our organs and our hormones. A healthy gut is our first line of defence against ALL disease and the food choices we make can have a dramatic impact.
We are all familiar with common digestive ailments like constipation or diarrhoea, headaches, fatigue, sugar cravings, gas and bloating - all of which are signs that the gut bacterial balance is out. These warning signs should be taken seriously. Other symptoms that we are less likely to associate with gut health, but which can often be a factor, are fatigue, brain fog, physical aches and pains, depression and anxiety. When we eat a healthy diet that is low in sugars, gluten and processed foods, the healthy bacteria can flourish and long-term, debilitating symptoms can often disappear.
A 28 Day Microbiome dietary programme can rebalance the gut flora, allowing us to regain the balance of the eighty-five percent of the ‘good’ bugs, and the fifteen per cent of the ‘bad’ bugs. (Most of us are completely the other way around).
The key to the success of the programme includes the following:
1. the removal of all inflammatory foods from the diet, including gluten, sugar, dairy, all processed foods.
2. an increase of fruit and vegetables that are rich in vitamins, minerals and plant-based nutrients such as polyphenols, increasing the spectrum of both fibre and plant-based foods - to feed the gut bugs and increase microbial diversity.
3. a programme of supportive vitamin and mineral supplements, which are
specific to the needs of the individual.
When gut health is imbalanced the microbiome cannot produce the right types and amounts of biochemicals that the brain needs in order to make good decisions.
In a period of 28 days, small (and often large) miracles can happen. It takes 21 days to create new neural pathways to the brain. This helps us not only make better food choices but, on a much deeper level, can awaken our vitality and help us reconnect with ourselves and the world around us.
Results and Benefits
More energy and vitality
Reduced weight and inches
Less aches and pains
Better sleep, more morning energy
Improved mood and positivity
Reduced sugar cravings
Kicks bad habits, creates new good ones
More relaxed and resilient
If you would like more information or to discuss this programme
further please get in touch or book a consultation. You can also read a few
articles I've posted on the microbiome on my blog.