I am a fully qualified and certified Systematic Kinesiologist, Nutritional Therapist, Transformational Kinesiologist and energy medicine practitioner.
Using kinesiology as a tool, I use my experience, intuition and training to address the physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic aspects of your health and wellbeing, looking beyond your symptoms to identify the root cause/s.
This is the true meaning of fully integrated healthcare: a focus on the whole 'you', not just on the parts that hurt or are not functioning as well as you would like.
In every moment, we have the power to change our current circumstances, improve our health, heal our past and create a new future. My wish is to connect you with that innate healing power that resides within you, to help restore your health from the inside out.
​​I employ powerful techniques to help identify blockages that may be preventing you from achieving optimum health, to help you move beyond any limiting beliefs, negative behavioural patterns and physical symptoms that may be keeping you from moving forward in life.
​​ My belief is that your body and its innate intelligence hold all the answers to the questions you have about your well-being. My aim is to unlock this intelligence, to find these answers and take the guesswork out of your health, and along the way help you gain a deep understanding of your health concerns and feel empowered to know how to heal your body and your life.
"The natural healing force in each one of us
is the greatest force in getting well."

initial consultation
In an initial consultation you will be assessed according to your unique requirements – your current health and wellbeing, your health history and lifestyle.
We will also discuss your questions and goals.
You will also receive a full treatment which benefits from the use of my intuition and energetic guidance as well as from the muscle testing that reads your body's energetic bio feedback system.
Everyone is different and each of us has an individual biochemistry, experience, lifestyle and attitude to life. All of this is borne in mind in my treatments, and so each treatment is tailored to your individual needs.
Along with a treatment, in this initial session you will also receive a health programme tailored to your specific requirements.
We will discuss your lifestyle and locate hidden triggers which may be contributing to the development of your condition or contributing to your symptoms.
I will also check for nutritional deficiencies to ensure you are equipped with a tailor-made targeted nutritional programme to help get you back on track to realising your full potential.​
Kinesiology is beneficial for everyone and usually people feel the difference from the first session.
The initial consultation and all subsequent sessions are 1.5 hours, at a fee of £180
individual treatments
In each treatment I use muscle testing to read the energetic bio feedback system from your body to discover where your health issues stem from, where energetic imbalances are and what particular stresses are affecting you. Using my intuition and energetic guidance as a fundamental part of the process, I then correct those imbalances with powerful healing techniques, Systematic Kinesiology, or with Transformational Kinesiology.
A session may include a combination of any of the following:
Lymphatic massage to ease congestion in your body
Herbal and plant medicine for healing
Bespoke nutritional supplementation
Food sensitivity testing and dietary advice
Nutritional deficiency testing
Gentle structural manipulations for persistent aches and pains
Neuro-vascular stimulation
Spiritual healing
Emotional stress and trauma release
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping
Meridian Flushing
Bach flower remedies
Chakra balancing and auric field clearing
TMJ (Jaw and nervous system rebalancing
Biomagnetic Pairs
Far Infrared Light Therapy
Centering and Grounding realignment
online sessions
Kinesiology consultation
(with the benefit of energetic guidance)
One hour £120
Nutrition consultation
A targeted and individualised nutrition programme
(with the benefit of energetic guidance)
One hour £120
Transformational Kinesiology
2 hours £180
EFT (Emotional Freedom Tapping Technique)
This powerful technique helps our brain release limiting negative beliefs and emotions that hold us back, thereby helping us move forward in life in a new way. In this session I can offer to teach you how to bring EFT into your daily life so you can add this tool to your own 'home healing kit'.
One hour £120
I also offer other self-help techniques online to support emotions, the immune system, boost energy, release stress or address physical aches and pains, using many tools to balance and empower you back to health and wellness.
How do remote sessions work?
We are electrical beings. Our thoughts have a frequency. It is similar to how radio and mobile phone waves work. We cannot see them but we understand that they transmit and receive frequency. And it is with that channel/frequency of thought that we connect in. We both act as antenna and receptor.
Sessions can be carried out via zoom/skype/whatsapp or telephone.
Transformational Kinesiology (TK) Sessions
Transformational Kinesiology (TK) soul healing sessions can be either in person or online.
In these sessions we focus on your personal or
spiritual (soul) growth to help you:
uncover unconscious emotions and access traumatic events
disentangle from unconscious patterns which no longer serve you
remove any obstacles or limiting beliefs that are preventing you from achieving
your goals, improving your health and well-being and creating the life you want.
Please see above if you would like to read more about Transformational Kinesiology.
These sessions require between 1.5 - 2 hours and the cost is £180.
What to expect

All consultations and records are confidential.
I would like to thank those clients who generously consented to their testimonials being published for the general information of others. Names have been withheld where requested to maintain client confidentiality.
Here is a sample of those comments.
"I went to see Suzi a year ago with agonising hip pain that neither my GP nor several alternative therapy practitioners had been able to diagnose or treat. Suzi managed to identify the cause within one treatment, and subsequently treat it over the course of a few more sessions. A year later, the pain thankfully hasn't returned. I feel truly grateful to her and her amazing healing skills."
Simona Style
"Having undergone some huge life changes in the past twelve months, I decided to put myself into Suzi's very capable and caring hands in the hope of some transformation. And that's exactly what happened. My life has been transformed.
Having tried and failed repeatedly to lose weight, calm my digestive system, manage IBS & rid myself of a whole raft of other gut-related woes, I took on the challenge of the 21-Day Purify Programme with mixed emotions. While I was excited on the one hand, I was a little sceptical on the other. I've wasted a lot of time, energy and pounds on other 'guaranteed fixes' in the past.
Result? Transformative.
I haven't felt this good in years. My skin is glowing, I'm noticeably slimmer, my mind is clear, and my IBS has disappeared along with the dermatitis which has plagued me since I was 21 - and that's not yesterday. I feel revived, ten years younger, calmer and more settled in myself - both within and without. I am waking from a full night's sleep feeling refreshed and alive - something which has alluded me for many years.
I have so much to thank Suzi for, not least for her unfailing support and fizzing enthusiasm which undoubtedly kept me focused and on track over the course of the programme and beyond.
Suzi's natural solicitude, along with her passion and motivation to change people's lives are simply amazing." Derval McCloat
" For quite a while I had niggling health problems. Nothing too dramatic, bloating, tiredness, anxieties and struggling to lose weight. I felt I was running on two out of four cylinders. Although functioning day to day, I was just not 'right'.
Suzi has been treating me over a number of months. I have noticed a vast improvement. She has pinpointed my areas of weakness and addressed them, giving me detailed and informative advice.
I recently had my Thyroid levels remeasured and, after these treatments and following her advice, they have gone up -- significantly!! The doctor was rather taken aback.
The treatments are incredible, I am never less than amazed with how accurate they are and with how much they help me. I always feel energised and positive afterwards.
I would highly recommend Suzi as a therapist, she is fantastic. "
"I have had several sessions with Suzi now. Her approach is consistently compassionate and gentle with a natural intuition that always finds the heart of the matter emotionally as well as physically. This I have found to be very important as it is with this emotional recognition process that a greater understanding of my physiological issues have become apparent. I am so happy to have found her as a practitioner and would highly recommend her to all!"
Luke M
"I went to see Suzi because I was struggling with anaemia triggered by heavy periods. Suzi immediately saw beyond my symptoms and identified much deeper root causes. Only after a couple of treatments I was amazed to see a significant difference in my periods which have been problematic for over a decade. The treatments have also improved other health problems which I had learnt to live with from bloating to just background fatigue. I feel more myself now than I have in a long time. I had not realised quite how depleted I must have been.
I would highly recommend Suzi as a therapist and I feel very safe in her hands. She combines gentle compassion with incredible strength and insight. Suzi cares deeply about what she does, I am constantly impressed by how thorough and diligent her approach is. I feel very lucky to be treated by her. It has been a transformative experience". Leyla Davies
I'm truly feeling so strong since I saw Suzi; a combination of the vitamins and Gratitude Journal have been so powerful. But mostly my ability to now discern the truthful thoughts from the unhelpful ones and being able to be more of a bystander to the negative thoughts rather than letting them define me - truly amazing! And it feels like a daily practice that I'm getting better at everyday - ALL thanks to you Suzi!
Min Phillips
"Ever since I had surgery for an intestinal tumour nineteen years ago I have lived with chronic bowel problems. I considered myself lucky to have survived the tumour and accepted the bowel problems as something I would live with for the rest of my life. When Suzi mentioned a three week plan to improve my gut microbiome I was interested, but I did not have high expectations. Over the years I have tried many different nutritional approaches with varying degrees of success.
But by day three of this programme I was stunned to find my guts had changed dramatically for the better. It was as if the operation had not happened as all my bowel problems have miraculously disappeared. Not only has my digestion settled, but I also have so much more energy as my background headaches and low grade fatigue have also gone. At times I really cannot believe that after so many years of living with an unhappy gut, it took so little to change so much.
It is such a relief not to be weighed down by embarrassing and exhausting bowel problems anymore. I had honestly forgotten what it is like to feel this well."
Leyla Davies
“Suzi has made a dramatic change in my life. I was in a lot of pain. Everything hurt. I was not sleeping, my brain was fog, I was moody and negative and I felt and looked awful. My joints were agonisingly stiff and woke me up at night. I was shuffling around like an elderly person. I felt like I was at the end of a road and my health was seriously deteriorating. Suzi put regular calls in the diary to support me through the three weeks plan (I live 5500 miles away in Los Angeles).
Given this new opportunity I totally adhered to her advice and within that time I had completely reduced the inflammation to zero pain. Sleeping through the night, clear calm brain and huge sense of relief and peace. I now have 100% more energy and control and I’m extremely grateful to her. Plus... I lost 10Ibs!
Fiona H
Suzi has been an absolute blessing to mine and my daughter's life. For two years my poor toddler had experienced reoccurring episodes of pneumonia and liver concerns. Suzi was able to support and boost her immune system, and I was able to witness great results via stools almost immediately. Within two weeks I noticed my daughter's injuries healing at a more rapid speed - bumps and scratches were clearing within days rather than weeks.
Alongside treatments Suzi has formed a beautiful relationship with my daughter- who enjoys the sessions (unlike all the other doctor's visits with traumatic blood tests, scans etc). And outside of sessions Suzi is always responsive to questions and very empathetic to my experiences as a mother.
Thank you Suzi
Kelly O'Connor

what I can treat
People seek Kinesiology treatment for specific health conditions as well as to:
Eliminate emotional, physical and mental stress
Help change negative behavioural patterns
Enhance learning abilities
Improve sporting performance
Assist with decision making
Overcome past trauma
Identify nutritional deficiency
Aid muscle injury healing
Release fears and phobias
The techniques I employ can address most health conditions, including:
IBS, Crones, Colitis, acid reflux, heart burn, and other chronic digestion issues
autoimmune and thyroid conditions
chronic fatigue, M.E. and fibromyalgia
food intolerances
weight management
hormonal issues, including menopause, peri-menopause, endometriosis and menstrual imbalances
migraines, brain fog, memory and concentration
hay fever, asthma, and other allergies
anxiety, stress, depression, phobias
skin conditions inc. eczema, psoriasis, acne
muscular aches and pains
water retention
dyslexia, dyspraxia
sciatica and other nerve related symptoms
addictions (food, drugs etc.)
and most other health concerns

Suzi Kobrin
Certified Systematic Kinesiologist,
Transformational Kinesiologist and Nutritional Therapist
mb: 07770 458195
email: susankobrin@me.com
(based in North London)